Which HTTP Status Codes Does CacheFly Use?

In CacheFly reports or other CacheFly information, you may see fields or data relating to HTTP Status codes used in CacheFly's delivery edge responses.

  • 200: This status message is the most common successful message. It denotes a normal "send me this file" request.

  • 206: This status message indicates the request included a Range header and it has been fulflilled.

  • 304: This status message indicates the content has not changed and the user agent should use the existing content.

  • 403: This status message indicates that the request was recieved but the request will not be fulfilled.

  • 504: This response occurs when you are using CacheFly Reverse Proxy for your CahceFly service, and on a cache-miss, Cachefly attempts to retrieve a file from your origin but without success (e.g., your origin server is unavailable).