Adding a New SSL Certificate
A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for a domain or host enables secure communications between that domain or host and CacheFly.

Where to Add an SSL Certificate
To add a new SSL certificate:
Log in to the CacheFly portal
Navigate to the Configuration top-level menu
Click on the Certificates menu item.
A list of your currently defined certificates (if any) appears.

How to Add an SSL Certificate
To add a new certificate, click on the + New Certificate button to the top right of the list (or + Add new certificate in the center of the screen if you are adding your first certificate).
A pop-up window appears for you to enter a certificate file and corresponding private key file (scroll the graphics horizontally if necessary to see this second screen).
To enter the required information, you can choose between:
Either dragging or browsing for the relevant files with the .pem extension
Or copying, then pasting the text content of each file into the field indicated.