Cache by Referrer
When you enable the Cache by Referrer option for a given service, the HTTP referer header is added to the cache key.
The cache key is the identifier used by CacheFly to locate in its cache the content requested by a user via that service.
Thus, through the addition of different HTTP referer headers to the cache key, the service can cache different content for each of the associated referrers.
Scroll the graphics in this step horizontally to see all the screens, and where to find this function for a given CacheFly service.

Enabling Cache by Referrer
To enable Cache by Referrer for a specific service, first navigate to the OPTIONS for that service (Configuration > Services > [SERVICE NAME] > OPTIONS in the left-hand menu).
Click on OPTIONS to expand the menu, then click on Cache by Referrer, or scroll down until you reach the Cache by Referrer section.
If the button/toggle to the right of the mention Cache by Referrer displays Disabled, then you can enable it as follows:
Click on the button/toggle labeled Disabled
A popup window is displayed asking you to confirm your choice
When you click on the red button Yes, the button/toggle will display Enabled and will also turn from gray to blue. A confirmatory message is also displayed briefly at the top right of the screen.
Scroll the graphics in this step horizontally to see all the screens.